

How Fifth Graders Are Supported Through Transition to 中学

by 斯隆·米勒,31岁艾拉·罗萨里奥,31岁,特约撰稿人 多边形

的 transition from fourth grade at the 较低的学校 to fifth grade at the 中学 is always one of the most difficult in a Poly student’s academic life because they have to change campuses. 另外, while it is difficult to navigate the many classrooms 和 halls in the Middle 和 上学校, there is a great support system 和 always a friend or teacher to help you. 多边形 采访五年级新生, 院长, 老师, 和 the new 中学校长 to gain perspectives from the Poly community on this transition. 

首先, 多边形 spoke to two people in the fifth grade coming from the 较低的学校, 狮子座C. 31日, 米拉年代. ’31. 利奥说, “I liked the 较低的学校 because we have a lot of free time where we can play 和 have fun.Leo还说, “较低的学校 is very different from 中学 because we have a lot more responsibilities.” Mila said, “I liked the 较低的学校 because there were lots of good people. It was fun because we got to be with the little kids. Although, the 中学 is different from the 较低的学校 because it’s such a bigger campus.” 

Grade 5 field trip to the Museum of Natural History with 中学图书管理员 萨曼莎欧文 (右)

接下来, 多边形 got the perspectives of two students in the fifth grade who are new to Poly: 卡琳娜年代. 31日, 哈德逊W. ’31. Hudson said, “I liked my old school because it was quite a friendly community. However, the timing 和 size of the school is different – it’s much bigger. Before, lunch at my old school was at 1:30 PM instead of 12:45 PM. 的 transition has been going well […] But probably the hardest part of the transition is leaving my friends. However, I’m looking forward to learning more challenges.” Karina 添加 that she liked her old school because it let her learn a variety of things. 


据中学院长说 阿曼达罗斯, “We help fifth graders from the 较低的学校 with the transition by letting incoming students visit the 上学校 和 [we] organize a fun time where they get to visit 和 learn about the campus 和 the dean team.” 

Rose 添加 that the 中学 has several events to help fifth grade students with the adjustment, such as the Meet Your Dean event 和 Poly Palooza, where you can meet your Poly pal (or someone who has been to Poly 和 is your age 和 can tell you about the school) 和 dean. “对所有学生, the 院长 also organize summer meetings where they get to know students 和 families 和 answer any questions before school starts. 9月, the fifth grade had a two-day orientation instead of only one day, where younger kids on campus got to know how there are support systems.”

“的 current fifth graders at Poly are superstars, they’ve been wonderful as a grade 和 showed lots of commitment, 快乐, 和信心,罗斯说. 

中学校长 丹尼尔的 添加, “We thought hard about how to get [them] all acclimated; this year we organized a special fifth grade-only orientation. All the other kids were off campus but we wanted [them] to have some extra time to get used to the layout of the school, 认识一些其他老师, figure out some other things like how to use the library 和 where the nurse is […] throughout the first month we tried to have activities in advisory 和 cohort to help you get to know other kids 和 to get to know Poly 和 our expectations.” 

Teachers have also been helping their fifth grade students. 中学图书管理员 萨曼莎欧文 en快乐s assisting her fifth graders with books. “I think having stories that we can read that are about what we’re going through can be really helpful with transitions,欧文解释道. 

“Those first couple of weeks it’s a learning curve, so it’s very different from the 较低的学校 – you’re going from class to class, 所以我注意到, 一开始, 有很多问题要问, ‘Where do I go’ 和 ‘Where is my classroom,’ sometimes getting turned around in this very big school. But something that I’ve noticed recently is less people asking me where their classroom is 和 everyone knowing exactly where they need to go 和 being confident as they navigate the school,欧文补充道.

随着学生们的不断调整, Rose left them with some suggestions: “My advice to Grade 5 students is to be yourself! 中学, 和 life, is much easier that way. It’s a time of big transition 和 a lot of change, so if you ever have moments of self-doubt, lean into your support system: parents, 老师, 顾问, 中学辅导员, 教练, 院长, 和朋友. 的re are so many people at Poly that care about you, 我想帮你做到最好, 接受真实的你! Also, take advantage of this time of not having grades. Develop solid organization systems 和 study habits that can be applied to all of your classes 和 help you for the rest of your academic career.”

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