

线性代数 Preps Students for College Level 阀杆 Courses

“I have always been fascinated by math and the beauty of its complexity,” said Gauri Purohit, 21岁. 高中数学老师 卡洛琳·利卡塔, who is teaching her 线性代数 class, shares her wonder. “I love introducing students to new concepts in mathematics,” said 利卡塔. “Even at the beginning of the course, the idea of n-dimensional space really intrigues the students.”

数学 teacher 卡洛琳·利卡塔

This academic year, Poly is offering 线性代数 as a new course. 以前, 利卡塔 had taught 线性代数 at Poly as an independent study for students who had completed all the math courses at Poly. “There was enough interest from students who love mathematics to offer the course to all students who have successfully completed a calculus course,利卡塔说.

在线性代数中,利卡塔解释道, “systems of equations and matrices are used as vehicles for the introduction to vector spaces, 子空间, 独立, 和维度. Since 线性代数 is primarily about defining and transforming spaces using matrices, many applications are a direct result of these transformations. Some of the applications are graphs and networks, which are used in 工程, especially electrical 工程, 在计算机科学领域.”

The 线性代数 course at Poly will give our students the foundation for higher level math and computer 科学 courses in college.

线性代数 Course text book cover

Students in 利卡塔’s class are very enthusiastic about this opportunity. “I hope to learn mathematical properties and calculation methods that I can apply to future math, 科学, and computer 科学 studies,21岁的罗伯特·马格努斯说. “I plan to pursue computer 科学 or a concentration of computer 科学 as my major in college.”

利卡塔, 麻省理工学院的毕业生, said she had used Matrix Theory in courses in electrical 工程 during her graduate school years. “除了,”她说。, “matrix operations are used in image processing and compression, 面部识别. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues of very large matrices are used in determining the closest matches for internet searches. Other applications are in fast Fourier transforms, systems of differential equations, finding the covariance matrix in statistics, genetic variation within populations, 还有很多其他的.”

Gauri Purohit, 21岁
Gauri Purohit, 21岁

“As I am also interested in computer 科学 and physics,普罗希特说, “I hope that I will be able to use what I learn from 线性代数 to apply to these areas of study, 用更深的, more complex understanding of vectors specifically. I also think there is a certain level of abstract and conceptual thinking and understanding in 线性代数 that is unlike that of any other class I have taken so far, which also seems to be quite valuable as it is pushing me out of my comfort zone and will be necessary if I pursue a future in math.”

Since 中学, Purohit has enjoyed the opportunities Poly’s 数学ematics Department has offered. “I was really grateful to be able to take Advanced Geometry while still in eighth grade, which was quite intimidating at first, but I soon was able to form tight-knit bonds with so many of my older peers that I would otherwise not have had the chance to form,”她说。. “从那时起, I have loved being able to push myself in math class each year and challenge myself with concepts from beyond the standard advanced curriculum. I would also have to say that by pursuing this more advanced track, I am able to take an independent study in Multivariable Calculus, 线性代数, 和美联社统计, which would not have been possible otherwise, and cater my schedule more toward 阀杆 [科学, 技术, 工程, 和数学).”


同样的, Magnus said of his studies this year, “One highlight for me was studying for the AP Calculus AB exam virtually and being one of the first math students to experience the first digital version of the test. 这很神秘, as even though I was prepared content wise, no one knew how the two questions would be formatted to test a year’s worth of learning.”

至于未来, Purohit说, “I have always been fascinated with computer 科学 and mathematics, which happen to go very well together. I hope thatby enriching my own schedule and taking advantage of as many 阀杆 classes that Poly offers as I can that I will be a little more prepared for what is to come in college!”

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