

Meet Our New 教师: September

Each week we’ve been featuring a new faculty member on 脸谱网. In case you missed “New 教师 Fridays,” enjoy our recap of new teachers we highlighted in September. 欢迎 Melinda Lvovsky, 伊丽莎吉梅内斯, Bre’Lynn Lombard, 埃曼阿巴斯!

Melinda Lvovsky, 中学 English

中学 teacher Melinda Lvovsky will be teaching Grades 5 and 6 English classes. 从2008年到今年6月,她在一所较小的学校教6-8年级的语言艺术和社会研究.

“I was always a voracious reader who was encouraged by my late mother, an Honors English teacher, to tackle texts that were advanced for my age,” Melinda recalled. 当梅琳达11岁时,她的母亲开始为她收集大量的初版书籍. “Each year for my birthday I received a new text,” Melinda said. “I plan to continue the tradition for my own daughters.”

虽然梅琳达高中时最喜欢的老师对语法要求非常严格, his classes were the highlight of her day. 对“its”和“it’s”的警惕使她在毕业时获得了英语优秀奖. Melinda is ready to be p艺术 of this challenging year at Poly.

“大流行使我们的世界分裂,因为它对每个人的生活都产生了独特的影响, but it has also unified us all; it has une艺术hed the deep-seated systemic problems within our society, 比如种族主义和不平等的盛行,以及存在严重缺陷的司法系统的运作. 我希望人们能够获得权力,推动和确保必要的改革,以纠正这些社会和经济弊病,并使子孙后代成为促进公平的力量, 积极性, 和善良.”

Melinda understands what parents have been dealing with this year. “Like most teachers with a family, 我面临的挑战是,既要帮助我的学生在远程教室的“陌生新世界”中学习,又要减轻我女儿对在线教学的恐惧和焦虑. I will continue to create a classroom environment, 让所有的学生都知道我是他们学习的倡导者.”

伊丽莎吉梅内斯、中 & 上学校 历史 Teacher

For new Grades 8 and 9 历史 teacher, 伊丽莎吉梅内斯, 她对冒险和旅行的热爱是在她三年级的时候被激发出来的,当时她的妈妈带着她和她的哥哥在欧洲露营了几个月, with extended periods of time in eight different countries. Eliza is truly a global citizen. Before coming to Poly, 伊丽莎在国王学院教授世界史和比较政府与政治, a boarding school outside of Amman, 约旦. “来自40个不同国家的学生和教师,伊丽莎说, “对我来说,在一所欢迎并庆祝各种身份和经历的学校工作非常重要.” She found that at 保利预科. “我知道这是一个我想学习和成长的地方,作为一个人和一个教育者.”

她对学习历史的兴趣始于高中的美国历史课. “这是我第一次对自己选择的课题进行实地调查,”她说. 她选择研究并撰写“20世纪70年代,我所在的当地公立学校为消除事实上的学校隔离而努力创建磁石学校的成功与失败”.” Eliza recalls, “我查阅了档案中的剪报,并就该地区的计划采访了前学校董事会官员和教育活动家.她补充道, “当我开始进行研究,真正深入挖掘我觉得既有趣又相关的话题时,学习和参与历史对我来说完全改变了.”

“Based on my experience as a student, 我努力给学生选择和代理,同时教授不依赖于讲座的技能和内容.”

As we begin the new school year, 伊莉莎说, “我期待着从我的保利预科八年级和九年级学生那里了解他们对户外社交远程学习模式的希望.”

Bre’Lynn Lombard, 中学 历史 Teacher

In her new role as 中学 历史 teacher, Bre’Lynn Lombard will be teaching 7th Grade U.S. 历史 and 8th Grade U.S. & Global Social Justice.

“我很高兴看到过去和现在之间的联系,以及艺术向我们揭示无意识的力量,” Bre’Lynn said. “We will explore themes of identity, 意识, 行动及其在我们理解历史中的作用以及我们在当前行动运动中的作用. 作为一个多元化的社区,我们有机会开拓,这正是我们要做的. 连接ing these experiences to 艺术 and exploring the intersection of 艺术, 历史, 我在哈佛教育研究生院的研究生学习中获得了自我认同. However, my favorite educators are women like Dr. Donna Akiba Sullivan Harper and Dr. Tarshia Stanley, both of whom I studied under at Spelman College.”

在一个独立的学校博览会上,布雷林恩认识了中学校长安德烈·德尔·瓦莱和保利团队的其他成员. “I had been looking to further my pedagogy in a more autonomous space, one that was ready to tackle issues of identity, 艺术, 和历史. Poly was a great match,” she said.

“This year is one that is unprecedented for all. It has changed the way we know and exist together… this year is about action, creating change and creating what should exist, in order to do that we must hold one another accountable.”

In this challenging year, Bre’Lynn is “committed to ensuring that all lessons are engaging, relevant and just as structured as they would be in class. 当我们在户外学习时,我们一定会营造出一个智力交流的空间, 探索, but also one that is brave.林恩喜欢动画电影,《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》、《博彩网站排名》和《十大博彩网站排名博彩平台网址大全》都是她的最爱. 但更严肃的是,在她的空闲时间,布雷林恩经营着一个名为 UnJaded Curations在那里,她与艺术家一起策划反种族主义和反殖民主义的展览.

埃曼阿巴斯, 中学 科学 Teacher

作为一个孩子, 埃曼阿巴斯五年级 & 6 science teacher, 总是对科学感兴趣,喜欢她上的每一节课,让她对周围的世界有更深的思考. “我很幸运,老师们热爱自己的工作,并通过实验让学生尽可能地沉浸其中, 实地考察旅行, in-class demonstrations. Their dedication was very inspiring to me, 因为即使是更困难的话题也被视为一种有趣的挑战.”

In college, Eman tutored high school students in biology and chemistry. 在获得人类生物学学士学位并开始全职教学之后, she st艺术ed work on her master’s in Adolescence Education in Biology. 埃曼认为, “我们都必须有一个积极的前景,以便能够找到解决今年可能带来的任何挑战的办法. 在科学, 我们必须鼓励学生对他们周围的世界提出问题,并对课堂上呈现的内容进行批判性思考. 这样做还可以让教育者更多地了解他们的学生是如何独立思考的, how we can assist them in understanding the lesson much deeper.”


虚拟教学“成为了一个挑战,它让我找到了新的、有创意的方法,让课程和传统课堂一样吸引人,艾曼说. “Through exit tickets after class lessons, at-home experiments that students can film and edit, written responses after each topic, students were able to express their own interest in the topics covered.” When not teaching, Eman is very interested in landscape photography.

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