

One Student’s Journey in a Year of Challenges

COVID-19 changed how we navigate in the world. Poly’s Kadyn Liburd ’21 在中国留学期间,她直面了这一问题. 随着冠状病毒导致生活被颠覆,全球都在试图阻止其致命的传播, 卡丁和其他人撤离中国,只是为了面对病毒在她自己的国家所做的事情. 但几个星期过去了,她适应了,保持不败. By spring, 在乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)被谋杀后,她加入了“黑人学生要求变革”组织,致力于反对种族主义.  

When A Global Pandemic Hits

卡丁于2019年8月飞往中国,希望在北京参加一个海外学年(SYA)项目. She attended classes at Beijing Normal University HS #2, about a five-minute walk from her host family’s home. 她学习普通话,她形容这是一门“迷人的语言”.她还研究了中国历史和影响中国环境的问题,如空气污染和水问题, 以及政府环境部门的工作方式.

“No one was on the street. The city was empty.”

At Poly, Kadyn, who is the daughter of Poly alumna Jeanine Smartt Liburd ’88, is part of the three-year Science Research Project. 她计划继续在中国进行微生物水污染的研究, 在各省进行实地考察,收集水样. 她预计将于2020年1月前往云南农村地区采集她的第一个样本.  但随着12月底和1月初冠状病毒的爆发,所有计划都失败了. Her host mom got her a mask to wear. 疫情爆发时,中国东部数百万人正前往农村地区庆祝农历新年. Kadyn’s host mom said she could not leave the house. But when they did venture out for a celebration, in usually bustling, traffic-jammed Beijing, there was eerie silence. “No one was on the street,” Kadyn recalled. “The city was empty.“冠状病毒病例的数量很快从3、4例跃升至30例. Parents started to pull their kids out of the SYA program. The director announced they would all have to be evacuated.

Evacuating China

截至2月底,中国有超过7.7万例冠状病毒病例. 卡丁说,离开北京是一种超现实的经历,为了进机场,她在外面排了很长的队, two hours to check in, and then two hours through security. “每个人都戴着口罩,飞机上的每个人都戴着口罩,”卡丁说. “在飞往肯尼迪国际机场之前,我们必须在芝加哥通过健康检查.”

More Study Abroad Plans Thwarted

Back home, 卡丁继续在网上学习,并在2月24日得到消息,她将前往维特博, Italy to take Chinese classes near Florence. 但与此同时,意大利报告了冠状病毒病例,数量激增. 她和家人一起被隔离,继续在网上学习普通话. “我的北京老师教我这门课,所以和她重新联系真的很有趣.”

“Initially, coming back from China,” Kadyn said. “我一直在问自己,这次撤离是否会带来积极的影响. At the time, 我家里的每个人都告诉我事情的发生是有原因的, but honestly, I couldn’t see any good coming out of that moment.”

Black Students Demanding Change

“有一个为来自纽约市私立学校的黑人学生创建的群聊,” Kadyn said. “It started out with over 150 kids. 这是一个我们可以在COVID期间建立新联系并提供建议的空间, comfort, and community. One day Josie Helm, a Brearley student, typed in the chat, “有没有人有兴趣联合起来,为我们的学校提出要求,推动他们进行反种族主义改革,我们30个人说,我们想这样做。, 她是黑人学生要求改变组织的创始人.”

“Now looking back, I think I was where I was meant to be. 我无法想象没有成为这个组织发展的一部分,或者没有发现这个优秀的黑人学生聚集在一起推动变革的社区.”

卡丁说,今年夏天的亮点之一是与学生领导的BSDC合作,撰写了一份反种族主义改革的行动计划. She explained, “BSDC是一个学校联盟,致力于使我们的学校成为积极的反种族主义社区. As one of the Poly representatives for this organization, 我写了一份文件,概述了保利如何成为一个积极反种族主义和更具社会意识的社区的要求和行动步骤.”

The Power of Transformation & Actionable Steps

“作为BSDC的代表意味着你是学生团体和管理部门之间的桥梁,” said Kadyn. “你的工作是将BIPOC学生的担忧和需求转化为管理部门可以采取的可行步骤,并从整体上改善BIPOC在学校的体验.”

After Dr. Angela Gittens, Poly alumni of color leaders, parent/guardian HUGs Black and Latinx leaders, Middle and Upper Schools parent leader Daria Ilunga P’23, former Director of DEI Motoko Maegawa, and members of the student body saw this action plan, it was sent out to Head of School Audrius Barzdukas P’20, Head of Upper School Sarah Bates, and Assistant Head of School, Academics Michal Hershkovitz P’16, ‘18. “他们接受了拟议行动计划的所有要求,”卡丁说. “Since then, I, 还有我的保利BSDC代表Makieda Mackienze和Mariama Diallo, have been meeting with Ms. Hershkovitz, Mr. Del Valle Jr., Mr. Yasharian, Ms. Bates, and Dr. 现在我们来讨论一下这个行动计划的时间表,以及保利将如何把纸上的要求变成现实.”

我认为今年要看到我真正期望的保利课程变化有点太早了,” Kadyn said, “although they have taken some strides in the right direction. In the near future, 我希望保利的课程能更好地反映保利的多样性和世界的多样性. This knowledge will broaden perspectives. In this pursuit, 我也希望更多地关注白人至上主义的存在和影响. Essentially, 我希望课程能培养一个积极反对偏见的社区,鼓励不同种族的人充分参与, opinions, and mindsets.”

